4 Key Steps to Integrate Your Offline and Online Marketing Strategies

Improve your business revenue by implementing both strategies simultaneously


Living in a digital and connected age has changed so many aspects in our life. One of them is the way we market our products/services. Magazines, televisions, and other printed medias were used to be the primary outlets to expose a brand up to last decade. In contrast today, 72% of people believe that the traditional marketing doesn’t work anymore. However, should we really abandon offline direct marketing?

Let’s consider this: people see your products/services as one brand, may it be on brochures, websites, or Instagram. Also, very few people only read magazines, or only use the internet. Therefore, it’s not uncommon that your potential customers see your ads both on brochures and internet. What if those two campaigns are using different tones, voices, and strategies?

You don’t want your two marketing efforts to contradict one another and confuse your potential customers. This is one important reason why your online and offline marketing campaigns should be integrated. Not only integrated marketing strategy gives you more reach, it’ll also help you to convey the message in a more effective way through multiple channels. Here are 4 key steps will help you to kickstart your integrated marketing strategy.

Back to basics.
The 4 C’s of integrated campaign maybe no longer unfamiliar to you. Before you started any campaign, make sure to consider these 4 vital points to achieve optimum performance i.e.,: coherence, consistency, continuity, and complementary. In simpler terms, you need a style guide by deciding key terms, phrases, images, and tone of voice that will be used throughout the campaigns. Also, use this to ensure your social media pages share a visual theme with the offline campaign.
Did you know, other than website, we design printed media too? These are few of  our works so far!

Research the trends.
Find out your most popular products/services based on search queries. After that, research Google Trends to find the keywords that are on the rise. Finally, use the keywords—with a little thoughtful tweaks—to start your own hashtag campaign, and include it wherever you mention your social media accounts on banners, flyers, brochures, or other printed medias. That way, you can easily measure your campaign success, and monitor customers discussions.

Start from Social.
Social media enables you to control how much people see of your brand, also easily bring real world offline conversation online. Track the hashtags use around the same or similar products/services to get involved in the online conversations, and join the community to spread the words about your products/services back to the real world.

Connect All with QR Codes.
According to Nielsen, 54% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from a newspaper or magazine ads. Whereas, online reviews impact 67% of respondents’ purchasing decisions. Isn’t it another reason to integrate your marketing strategies?

Integrating printed media and online marketing is  relatively simple, as simple as including your website and email addresses—or better, QR codes on all your printed campaigns. With the help of code readers which are now available in most mobile phones, QR codes enable mobile users to directly access information about your product by leading them to your website. To maximize the impact, make sure that any products you promote through printed medias are easily accessible through your website.

Also, according to a scanlife trend report, the total QR codes scans reported in 2015 was 23 million! Definitely not a number you can ignore.

In summary, you need to stop dividing offline and online marketing as two different strategies. By integrating the two, you will increase your chance of success. Marketing channels may play a role in a successful campaign, but the most important factor is your one cohesive message as a brand that your customers see. Need a help to kickstart your marketing strategy? Let’s talk!


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